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4 Signs You Need Brake Services

May 28, 2024

Your car’s brakes are one of its most important mechanical systems because they enable you to control your vehicle and stop safely. According to Broadly, the average age of vehicles on the roads is 12.3 years. Brakes don’t last nearly as long, and require annual inspections and regular servicing to keep them in good condition. Here are four common signs that you need brake service done on your car.

1. Squealing Sound at Low Speeds

The first sign that the brakes are in disrepair usually occurs when stopping while backing up or while parking. The squealing sound is made by exposed rivets on brake pads contacting the steel rotors. If ignored, the brake pads wear away and expose a metal backing plate that increases the noise and damage to the steel brake rotors. A brake service will replace the pads and ensure all other parts are in good condition.

2. Brake Pedal Feels Spongy When Stopping

Your brakes use a hydraulic system, and a master cylinder in the engine compartment holds the brake fluid that makes it work. If the master cylinder becomes defective, the brake pedal will feel spongy instead of firm when you are braking. You might have to pump the brakes a couple of times to get full braking power. The cause might be a defective master cylinder, brake line, or caliper.

3. Pedal Pulsates While Braking

Another brake defect you might feel at the brake pedal is a pulsating sensation while you are stopping. The problem is often caused by one or more warped brake rotors. The friction required to effectively stop your vehicle causes a lot of heat in the brake rotors. The more you use your brakes, the hotter the rotors might get until they warp slightly. Replacing the rotors, or turning them to restore their flat surfaces can fix the problem.

4. Vehicle Travels Farther Before Stopping

You should have a good idea of how well your brakes work and how far your car will travel before stopping. Worn or defective brakes weaken the stopping power and cause your vehicle to travel farther, which could become dangerous. So do defective calipers or a bad master cylinder, which brake services can replace to make your brakes work as well as new.

You can call or visit our shop at A1 Auto Service Center when your car needs brake service and restore its full braking power. Our team of experts is happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us today!

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